Saturday, October 11, 2008

my ym kene ceroboh ysterday!!adooiii...

gerammmm n maluuuu!!!thats wat i felt ystrday...
bengkek tol la org men2 bukak ym aku kat pc len..
mmg r xde maaf bgi mu...
at 1st i tot theres a probs wif usm's ntwork or myb my ym mengong...
bcoz it keeps sign in sign out for a million times..
then theres a notice said that my account hv been open from smewhere else..
argghh...n my few frens said they r receiving a bad msg n noticed a harsh words at my status...memang gerammm!!!..ini mendatangkan malu...arghh..

kepada si persalah..kalo kite ni kenal...i take this opprtnty to say sorry for 2 things..
first..for watever mistake that i did dat makes u geram n bengkek wif me..
and second..sorry coz i cant forgive u!!

n tok kawan2...yg de ym..sorry tok ape2 yg korg dpt...its not me..
tu makhluk mane nye keje...
im sorry...

arghh...really2 a bad+horable+any bad words that exist day!!

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