Friday, October 24, 2008

i love this song!!!seriously GREAT!!!

jason mraz-beautiful mess

You’ve got the best of both worlds
You’re the kind of girl who can take down a man,
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you’re needy,
Humble but you’re greedy
Based on your body language,
your shouted cursive I’ve been reading
You’re style is quite selective,
though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests
that this is just what happiness is

Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like picking up trash in dresses

Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you can call it fiction
‘Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions dear
‘Cause here we are, here we are

Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they’re quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There’s no shame in being crazy,
Depending on how you take these
Words that paraphrasing this relationship we’re staging

And it’s a beautiful mess, yes it is
It’s like, we are picking up trash in dresses

Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I’ve heard
But it’s nice to say that we played in the dirt
Cause here, here we are, Here we are
Here we are x7

We're still here

And what a beautiful mess this is
It’s like taking a guess when the only answer is yes

And through timeless words in priceless pictures
We’ll fly like birds not of this earth
And tides they turn and hearts disfigure
But that’s no concern when we’re wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it’s nice today, oh the wait was so worth it

Saturday, October 11, 2008

my ym kene ceroboh ysterday!!adooiii...

gerammmm n maluuuu!!!thats wat i felt ystrday...
bengkek tol la org men2 bukak ym aku kat pc len..
mmg r xde maaf bgi mu...
at 1st i tot theres a probs wif usm's ntwork or myb my ym mengong...
bcoz it keeps sign in sign out for a million times..
then theres a notice said that my account hv been open from smewhere else..
argghh...n my few frens said they r receiving a bad msg n noticed a harsh words at my status...memang gerammm!!!..ini mendatangkan malu...arghh..

kepada si persalah..kalo kite ni kenal...i take this opprtnty to say sorry for 2 things..
first..for watever mistake that i did dat makes u geram n bengkek wif me..
and second..sorry coz i cant forgive u!!

n tok kawan2...yg de ym..sorry tok ape2 yg korg dpt...its not me..
tu makhluk mane nye keje...
im sorry...

arghh...really2 a bad+horable+any bad words that exist day!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

raye wehh...rayeee...

xtau la nape ek...raye taun ni aku rase meriah sgt...epi je...taun lps n 1 2 taun b4 tu aku rase mcm xbrape best sgt...aku ngt sbb aku dh besar...besar dr segi umo la sbb bdan mmg dh besar dri sbnr nye umo ni xberi effect pun...duit rye pun ok gak la...jd kaye jap..hek3..lg 1 aku rase rye ni brmakne sket sbb exam jauh sket dr rye n xde asignment ke test ke lps rse tu..huhu..bhgia2...bebawah ni gmbr2 raye aku...xde la cntik bole la tgk2 wat senyum2..he3

saye anak la my bapak alias hencek omar..
dari sini la dtgnye urup "o" di blkang name aku..=)

ni lak adik aku yg plg bongsu ain..xlupe jgk yg plg tinggi..hehe
kpd kwn2 yg rase aku ni tinggi...korg lon jmpe ag adik beradik aku
sbb aku yg mcm pokok kelapa ni pon diketegorikan sbgai "ketot" among sibling2 ku...
ade ke patot???huh! plak gmbr aku brsama ke2-2 org tua ku yg msih muda..he3
puan rosni(sdap kn name mak aku hehe) ngn encik omar
suke sgt gmbr ni sbb kami br3 seragam biru...xlupa..baju kami disponsor oleh kakakku
cik af@afzan omar...huhu..tq2..
kpd sape yg dok xabis2 tnye aku ni anak mami ke..dok penang ke..
jwpnnye anak melayu+mamak=maklayu =)
he3...bngga tau mix2 wlopun bkn mak saleh...hu3

gmbr ni kat kubur atuk blah ayah..
aku brsama kakak n abangku..n ain nye perot..=p sisterss....
ain gile rock kan...raye2 pun ciri2 kesukanan tu ade agih...
die ni penjaring kelumpo tok pengetahuan korg...(ain pon bngge kan??)
haha..tu la ayat die..."ain pon bangge"..he3..
bju biru tu mak sedare aku,acu..die mmg sporting abis..awet muda kan..umo dah 35++ dh..
huhu..opss..sorru cu,tr bgtau plak..huhu..
yg tudung putih tu adik sedare,atin...yg baju kuning tu adik laki aku,amir..
dorg ni sebaye...amir ckp die xske gmbr ni sbb tgn atin ats bahu die...pnat die posing

kat bawah ni ade la lg sket gmbr2 len...xlarat nk dscribe smue...hhuhu... n akhir skali..
slamat ari raye to all..maaf zahir batin..=)